
I was in extreme pain! My shoulder, for no apparent or memorable reason, refused to go beyond 90 degrees without total agony. I wasn’t able to lift anything heavy, I couldn’t do sports, even driving was difficult due to getting in and out of the car, etc. 
I had spoken to the doctor but all they could do was prescribe anti-inflammatory tablets and suggest I follow the exercise videos on the NHS website.  So on a recommendation, I visited Niall. The very first impression I had was this guy genuinely cared about my wellbeing, and not simply my shoulder. 

I don’t know the terminology but Niall sat me down and chatted about my past, my lifestyle, my general health, sleep patterns and so much more. He then examined me and was able to identify elements my body was lacking due to my diet choices. 
I embarked on a journey with Niall that allowed my body to heal itself – not just my shoulder. I feel better, I am eating better, I am sleeping better. Niall may not agree but the steps HE took and the guidance HE gave me has changed my life.
Beginning with chiropractic treatments, Niall was able to make the adjustments, some subtle, some not so much, to free up joints. He eased muscle and joint pain and allowed me pain-free movement in my shoulder. Using tuning forks and then acupuncture, he pretty much reduced the pain by 75% in a very short time, then further tweaks have removed it. I am incredibly phobic about needles but, with the improvements I have seen, I am definitely a convert. 
Niall, I can’t thank you enough for what you have done, both physically and mentally. Your services are very highly recommended.

I first worked with Niall after having experienced 5 years of chronic shoulder pain following an injury.  After 15 minutes of working with him, I was pain-free for the first time in 5 years.  I continue to go to Niall to maintain optimum health and he helps me whenever I have a recurrence of the shoulder pain. Over time, the recurrence of these episodes have lessened in frequency and severity and I put that down to Niall’s ongoing input. Yvonne Fouka, Registered Nurse

When I was 49 I discovered I had Atrial Fibrillation (AF) after it showed up unexpectedly on a heart monitor during knee surgery.

Some years later I was low in energy and finding exercise difficult. Even climbing a set of stairs or walking the dog sometimes left me breathless. My GP explained that this was typical of patients who had had AF for a while.I went to see Niall and he worked on me.I’m 66 now. I feel good. In my case, medical review evidences unusually slow progress of the disease process associated with AF (deterioration of heart physiology and function over time). Energy levels are up. My exercise tolerance is way up from where it was. I’m at the gym three times a week and I enjoy it. I swim in the sea. I always choose stairs rather than a lift. Walking the dog is a pleasure which requires no effort.And I continue to see Niall to keep it that way

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