A natural health practitioner, nutritionist, Doctor of Chiropractic, applied kinesiologist, and unshakeable optimist passionate about helping people improve their overall health and wellbeing, naturally.
Let’s be clear, I’m not here to manage your pain. Your body has the power to heal all on its own. I’m here to help you identify the roots of your specific health challenges and work with you to chart a path to sustained recovery so you can enjoy a long, healthy, and active life with your loved ones.
I’ve experienced first-hand the healing power of a good chiropractic examination and it’s what inspired my journey with natural health.
It was way back in 2000 and after having suffered chronic low back pain on and off throughout my teenage years I attended a chiropractor based on a personal recommendation. I had tried various other approaches with no real results. As a youngster, I played a lot of football, and it was clear that I only had one foot!
The chiropractic examination showed that the power and control of my left leg was dramatically worse than my right. Pretty normal I thought, but then the chiropractor adjusted my neck.
Rechecking my legs afterwards, I could feel a huge improvement in muscle strength! Out of curiosity, I went out later that day and kicked a ball about. Miraculously I was knocking the ball around with my left foot in a way that I previously could have only dreamed of! Alright, I was still no Lionel Messi, but it was a massive improvement.
That was it. My mind was caught. How did this guy know that working on my neck would affect my leg muscles in that way? I had to look into this! So off I went to the University of Glamorgan to find out…
Since graduating in 2006, I’ve run my own clinic in Lanark, attended post-graduate workshops and seminars, and worked with, and on, so many great people. I’ve even worked alongside specialist dentists and dental laboratories due to a special interest in the relationship between the mouth to the function of the spine and indeed the whole body. All the while I’ve been evolving and developing a more holistic and integrated approach to human health.
My practice is now based in Tore in the Highlands where, rather than exclusively focusing on trying to fix symptoms with the traditional medical model of prescription medication, I now look at the whole-body physiology asking, “what’s holding this person back from healing?” “What does this person need to add or do, to assist their body’s natural healing response?”
I love to learn and develop techniques. I had been aware of Applied Kinesiology since my undergraduate days and in 2017 I finally got organised to attend their 100-hour course.
The Applied Kinesiology approach resonated with me instantly. I love the way that it ties together different perspectives on health. It allows me to work with people on a more individualised basis, supporting their health and healing structurally, nutritionally, mentally, and emotionally.
The complexity of the human body and our ability to heal naturally is awe-inspiring to me. I’m more passionate about learning now than I have ever been. My favourite topics of study these days are Traditional East Asian Medicine and functional movement.